Tom Eckersley 的幾何視覺形象海報設計

英國平面設計先驅、海報藝術家Tom Eckersley海報回顧展正在London College of Communications(LCC)舉行,他是首位在英國開設平面設計課程的教師,擅長用幾何圖形组合出風格鲜明而強烈的視覺形象。這次参展的40張海報創作於1940年代至1980年代。
Marking the centenary of the influential graphic designer’s birth, a new exhibition at London College of Communication (11 – 29 January 2014) celebrates the enormous contribution Tom Eckersley made to graphic design and design education in Britain over six decades as a practitioner, teacher and irrefutable master of poster design.

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